THIS SITE(English)

This site functions both as an introduction to our association and as a portal site. We encourage you to discover the attractions of local characters through our website!

Local Characters News

Announcements from registered characters and news related to local characters will be posted here.

Local Characters Encyclopedia

You can view detailed profiles and related links for registered characters.
You can also sort them by name or region, so please take your time to explore the activities and details of each character.

[Paid Members] These are local characters who support the annual registration fee of 6,000 yen. There are also exclusive benefits available for paid members.

[Regional Corporate Members] These are characters used for business or product promotion, as well as for regional revitalization and social contribution activities.
They are affiliated with companies that are dedicated to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities


Information such as registered characters’ birthdays, event details, and broadcast schedules is provided.


This is ‘Charama,’ the local characters goods shop operated by our association.
We handle merchandise for registered characters and offer a mail-order service where you can purchase character goods from various locations all at once.
While ideally you would buy these items directly in each character’s local area, Charama also serves as a sales channel for characters who may not have other avenues for their merchandise.
→Local characters goods shop ”Charama” * We do not ship to overseas destinations.

Local Characters Broadcasting Station

This is a web program broadcast monthly on the first Wednesday at 8:00 PM (though occasionally it may be the second week).
The show features pick-up introductions of registered characters, guest segments connected via live broadcasts and event reports using Twitter hashtags.
It’s a program where you can discover not only your favorite characters but also the attractions of new ones.

* Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant reduction in character outings and events since April 2020. We have been working to gradually return to the original format while also broadcasting special programs related to characters. →”Local Characters Broadcasting Station”

Member Survey Archive

This is the exclusive page for paid members.
The viewing password is updated every June.
Each year, we will email the viewing password to all paid members, so please check your email.
→”Member Survey Archive” * Japanese Only

Regarding Advertising Inquiries

Please contact us at the address below to receive the materials.
→”Regarding Advertising Inquiries” * Japanese Only