Support for Character Management
**Listing on the Portal Site**
Your character will be featured in our portal site’s “Local Characters Encyclopedia,” allowing access to various site content and member benefits.

**Consultation on Character Creation, Development and Management**
If you have questions like “How do I create a character?” or “I’m not effectively utilizing my local character,” our experienced staff will provide tailored solutions.
Creating a local character involves various preparations and efforts.
Our association supports you from character design to 3D realization based on our experience.
We also offer advice on copyright management, merchandise development and digital product creation and sales.
We can assist with character liaison work for individual or small-scale operations.
Please feel free to contact with us.

**Assistance with Local Characters Event Planning**
We provide support for organizing events with our extensive know-how gained from handling numerous events.
We also have some equipment available for loan if needed.

**Introduction to Corporate Collaboration Projects**
We connect local characters with companies and offer collaboration opportunities such as TV commercials.
This helps enhance the visibility and likability of local characters.

**Arrangements for Character Management Across the Country**
If you need staff arrangements, assistance with attendance or advice on on-site management, please feel free to consult us about your specific needs.

**Merchandise Production and Sales**
We assist with the production of character goods and novelties, offering comprehensive services from planning and design to production.
Additionally, our association operates the online shop ‘Charama,’ which handles local character merchandise from across the country.
Please use Charama as one of the sales channels for your character goods.
We have materials available for Charama, so feel free to contact us for more information.
→Local Characters Market ‘Charama’

**Public Relations Support**
We can promote information about your character’s events to our association’s network, enabling widespread publicity to numerous character operators.

**Streaming Support**
We offer technical and implementation support for online streaming which has been increasingly in demand.
We can handle everything from planning and direction to broadcasting.
We also provide remote streaming support, so please feel free to consult us.